Tuggs walked towards his chief, and everyone else respectfully and quickly let Lutugs step with an orc warrior’s firm confidence, and he held this confidence. When he rode his dragon, he caused damage, killed Griffin knights and defeated human troops more times than other dragons in the clan. Blackham awarded medals by the hammer of destruction, not including Zulu Hurd who hung an axe rope from him and bypassed his chest.


Are you going to send me to carry out something, old man? If there are seven more, I can kill them all. No problem.
That’s what you were trained to do. You made up your mind not to humiliate him again, but do you dare to fight this gambling war?
Some of the dragon riders swore a little, but Tuggs looked interested.
Is it special once? It’s better than burning a few farmers.
Maybe some soldiers, maybe one or two wizards. That’s your play.
Tuggs’ wild eyes narrowed a little. Tell me something more detailed, old man.
Ronin can finally go to Katz Mo Dan. He should be very happy to think of it here. However, the price he paid is too high. He wants those dwarves to fight, and they obviously hate Ronin just like Ronin does not. This is bad enough. Vanessa said that she must go too. This is quite natural. She was promised by Farstad that she must find this excuse, but it disrupted his plan. He must go to Grimbatore alone. There is no need to say that his companions can’t afford the risk of another disaster.
No more people can die.
And now it looks even worse. He found that Sir Duncanson Tus didn’t know how to say it, and it was impossible to be said that Stoddard took him with him.
It’s crazy, crazy. Ronin keeps saying that he doesn’t need anyone else.
However, now that the Griffin knights are busy preparing to take them across the sea, no one will hear him and care what he says. Although it sounds ridiculous, Ronin doubts that he will continue to protest, and maybe he will be the only one to stay in the end.
Duncan has been consulted by others. He gave the command to Roland and asked him to convey some orders to others. The bearded knight entrusted a medal to the young hand. Ronin had little idea about it. The silver knight seemed to have thousands of different trivial occasions, but Wenleisha came to him and whispered to him. Duncan printed him on Roland. Roland would take his place if he was unfortunate. The silver knight never played games.
He turned to ask her something, but she had already left. After Ronin threatened her, Wenleisha’s tone became serious. Ronin didn’t want to be forced to do something to let Wenleisha go back, but he didn’t want anything bad to happen to her because of him. He didn’t want anything terrible to happen to Duncan, even though the paladin might be born in Katz Mo Dan, which is much more likely than Ronin himself.
It’s time to take off, Farstad shouted. The sun has come. The old people are up and working. Is everyone ready?
I’m ready, Duncan replied repeatedly
I was ready, too. The nervous mage then rushed to answer that he didn’t want people to think he was the chief culprit of the delayed take-off. If he could, he made a fuss about one of the dwarves last night, but Farstad insisted that those animals needed enough rest to cope with early action, and Farstad dialect was the law for the dwarves.
Let’s Griffin. We’re in a good mood. Dwarves reach out to Vanessa. What do you think, dear elf lady?
Wen Leisha smiled back at him and then killed his Griffin Ronin. His expression didn’t change. He would rather Wen Leisha took a dwarf Griffin outside Farstad, but if he really talked like this, he would look like a complete fool. Besides, Wen Leisha didn’t take any Griffin.
Come on, mage Molok complained. I really hope this trip will end as soon as possible.
Duncan changed his light armor and rode another dwarf Griffin, a warrior, that is, the dwarves respected him. They knew the power of the sacred organization in the battlefield, and this is obviously what Sir Sentus said more easily that the dwarves brought him.
Press Molok’s order, or you’ll have to feed the fish halfway. As he spoke, the dwarf ordered the Griffin to run forward and then take off. The mage tried his best to hold on tight. However, the feeling that his heart seemed to jump his throat made him worry about this trip. Ronin had never been on a Griffin and watched the huge wings flap. He quickly decided not to sit on a Griffin again this time. Every time the half-lion, half-bird animal flapped its wings, Ronin’s stomach shook and he would be happy to cross the sea in another way.
But he must admit that this beast flies so fast that it’s hard to imagine that in a few minutes Haskell’s coastline will be out of their sight. Even the dragon is sure that this speed is comparable, although the gap between them will be small. Ronin remembered how the three grizzlies quickly circled around the red faucet, which was also a dangerous juggling for the grizzlies, let alone other animals.
In their side, the sea was rolling violently, and the waves first piled up high and then sank low and low, and the strong wind came head-on and the water mist came with the wind, forcing Ronin to pull his robe hood to resist them. These didn’t seem to affect the fact that Molok was still enjoying it.
How long do you think it will take us to get to Katz Mo Dan?
The dwarf shrugged his shoulders for hours. Humans can’t be faster.
The mage hid those unpleasant thoughts in his heart. He curled up and tried to ignore the journey as much as possible. The thought of so much water at the bottom made Ronin feel annoyed. The looted island country of Haskell, Katz, Mo Dan, Torbalad could bring a little change to the border sea, and Farstad had said before that they would not land there. At the beginning of the war, the top creatures left on the island were just some weeds and cockroaches. The breath of death seemed to rise from the island. It was so strong that Ronin was unwilling to refute Farstad’s decision.
They flew and flew. Finally, Luo Ning took courage to look at his companions. Duncan stood firm in the face of the cold sea breeze. Obviously, Wen Leisha showed a little discomfort with this crazy way of traveling. Like Luo Ning, she hung her head most of the time and tied her golden hair in her cloak hood. She leaned slightly toward Farstad, but in Luo Ning’s view, the dwarf seemed to enjoy it.
At last, his stomach finally got used to it, and it was not so bad. Luo Ning looked at the sun, and they had been flying for about five hours. According to the speed of these Griffins, they should have flown halfway. He finally broke the silence and taught Molok whether it was what he thought.
Halfway through, the dwarf burst out laughing. In two hours, we will see the cliffs of Sikazi Mo Dan, half of which haha.
The good news, not the dwarf’s sudden humor, made Ronin smile. It has been three quarters of the way, but he is still alive. In more than two hours, he will be able to keep his feet on the ground again. This time, he finally has no terrible disaster to stop him from moving forward.
Do you know where we can land?
Lots of places. We’ll get rid of you soon. I hope it doesn’t rain before we get there.
Ronin looked up and carefully observed that the clouds that had just formed in the past half hour might be rain clouds, but Ronin was not sure that it would not rain before they arrived at their destination. The only thing he needed to worry about was how he could get to Grimbatto alone after others returned to Lordaeron.
Ronin clearly knew that when he found his true destiny, they would definitely think that it was an extremely reckless plan. He thought of those ghosts who haunted him and came to the past. They were Ronin’s real partners this time. They were the driving force for Ronin to move on. They would watch Ronin watch him succeed or die.
It has been repeatedly thought that this knot may be the best treatment for those companions who died in the past. Maybe then Ronin can really atone for his sins and reduce his imaginary ghosts.
But first he must go to Grimbatore.
Look over there, mage